11 Things you will Relate to Only if you Have an Emotional Heart

Are you an emotional person or a cry baby? 11 signs you will relate to yourself if you are way too emotional in life and doesn’t know how to control it. Being an emotional person is not a bad trait but being an emotional fool will lead nowhere in life.

1. You feel lonely all the time :

If you are an emotional person , you will think that no one understands you and feel lonely most of the time with less number of friends. The only person with whom you are comfortable is you only.

2. You get hurt easily :

You get hurt easily even with the small things and feel bad and victimised all the time. Don’t take things to your heart, just let it go.

3. You think way too much:

The main problem with the emotional people is they think too much and that puts them into a sad mood. When you over think, sometimes it will lead to depression as well. You can’t take decisions quickly .

4. You cry a lot:

Emotional people cry a lot. You cry when you are upset, cry when you are angry, cry when you are happy. You cry at nights and cry even in public places without realising that you are looking weird.

5. Confused all the time :

You get confused all the time, you don’t what to say and when to say. You want to hide your emotions but can’t help with that also. You cannot make decisions briskly.

6. You understand feelings of others easily

You understand pain and emotions of other people easily because you are also going through the same situation , also advices people to come out with that situation even though you cannot overcome that.

7. You find happiness in others happiness

One quality you possess is how to please others and make them happy . You can’t say “NO” easily, you will think a lot before saying any answer. You will be happy if people are happy around you.

8. You feel victimised all the time

You will always feel people are targeting you all the time around you and feel negative vibes from them which will make you feel that you are being victimised and people are bullying you.

9. You can’t take criticism

If people are telling you that you are doing wrong , you cannot take that lightly. You will start creeping and feel bad about it. You will always feel that other person is attacking you personally even if they were not.

10. You expect a lot

You have a lot of expectations from people that they will understand you in any situation and when they don’t you will become upset. There are certain times when you have to prove your importance and presence to others.

11. You feel like this is the end of the world

When you are way too over emotional and feel like this is it- you can’t deal with it anymore now . You don’t want any kind of botheration and don’t want to talk to anyone.

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