9 Lame Excuses people give when they want to break up with you

Break up is the most painful or hurtful thing you can do to anyone . People generally play the blame game when they want to break up because they want to be in the “good books” . When a person wants to break up, whatever reason they give, it purely means they just don’t want to be with you anymore or maybe they are seeing someone else.

1. It’s not you baby, it’s me. This is the common break up line when they want to took all the blame on themselves to make the other person feel better about it.


2. We don’t have a Future : ” We don’t have a future” here means you are the not the person with whom i can share the rest of my life, in short i m bored with you.


3. My parents don’t like you : This reason is used when the person thinks that the other one is not “Marriage material” and their parents will not like them.


4. You deserve better than me : when a person use this line , it simply means “Dude , I deserve better then you “.


5. I have no plans to settle down : When they say they have no plans to settle right now, what they actually mean is i want to enjoy my Bachelorhood now.


6. We don’t have anything in common : How can suddenly we have nothing in common, they just don’t want to be with you anymore .


7. We can be “Good Friends” : We can be good friends means ” you are not my type” or not a girlfriend material anymore.


8. Simply “IGNORANCE” : This is the best way to break up with someone, simple ignore or avoid that person. Stop taking calls, stop responding to messages and block them from every social media.


9. I need some space at the moment : When you listen to this line , don’t fall for it. It simply means they just want to get rid of you at any cost.


GIFS : Giphy

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