Do’s and Don’ts should be taken care by Bride and Groom before Wedding

Marriage is the most precious step in anyone’s life , it not only brings two souls but two families together. The courtship period between the marriage is the most beautiful time of your life and you will cherish the memories lifetime. The bride and Groom should take care of simple things before marriage to make their relationship absolutely special.

Do’s before Wedding:

1. Get to know each other well : Spend quality time with each other and get to know each other’s habits, weaknesses, nature , sweet gestures and try to make your relationship perfect.


2. Spend time with each other’s families : It’s very important specially for girls to form a good bond with your in-laws. Spend time with them and gift them something on occasions, show them you care about them.


3. Talk about future : Yes, now your partner is also an important part of your family, so before getting married talk about your future decisions in respect of financial matters, family matters, etc.


4. Do something special : Do something unique and extraordinary for each other and make each other special. Give them surprise visits, go for parties and movies, gift something extra special.


5. Hang out with Friends :
Its very significant to get along with each other’s best and other friends and have a good bond with them. You know your friends long before you met your partner, so you want always want that your partner also gets along with them well.


6. Give equal importance to each other’s siblings :
Everyone is attached to their siblings whether its elder or younger, try to make a good connection with them.


Don’ts before Wedding:

1. Don’t bad mouth about each other’s family : Yes, you have heard it right, even if you don’t like something about your other half parents , don’t tell them. No one can listen about their parents, It will ruin your relationship .


2. Don’t talk about budget : Especially girls, we can understand how it feels to spend so much money on one single day, but don’t talk about it to your partner, let the parents talk to each other .


3. Don’t get too intimate before marriage : Everyone loves to care and wants to get intimate with your love of your life, but do not rush into it. Doing too much intimacy before marriage will lose charm of wedding, kissing and cuddling can do wonders before marriage.


4. Don’t show your anger :
Don’t anger yourself too much if you don’t like something about your partner. Be calm and patient and make the other one understand what the problem is.


5. Don’t throw Tantrums : If you show too much attitude and tantrums to your partner, it will piss them off completely. Save something for the wedding.


6. Don’t talk about Past : Past is history, don’t talk about each other’s past relationship or sensitive issues, you will get nothing out of it and will hurt them unintentionally.


GIFS : Giphy

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