10 Benefits you Can Experience Being Single

Are you single or going through a nasty break up phase? Well there is no need to worry or get upset, being single is a kind of fun. Being single is a relationship with yourself so just enjoy your bachelorhood; this singlehood will never come back once you will get married. Here are some great benefits you can get while being single:

1. You can finally feel the independence and freedom. You don’t have to inform about your whereabouts to anyone, don’t need to seek any permissions before making any decision and can do whatever you want to.

2. You don’t have to deal with emotional drama anymore. Every relationship has some baggage of emotions which can make you frustrated sometimes.

3. You can save a lot of money if you are single. No need to pay for restaurant bills or buy any expensive gifts in fact treat yourself well, go for shopping, body spa and relax a little bit.

4. You can be friends with more guy / girl friends and you don’t need to give any kind of explanations or reasons about “ What’s going on between you two “.

5. You can travel solo or with your friends gang anywhere you want. You don’t have to go for boring couple holidays; once you are single you can enjoy your holidays the most.

6. You can party and drink as much you can with your friends. You live only once don’t waste your time by sitting at home idle or crying for the wrong person.

7. You can finally do things that make you happier. You can explore shopping, cooking, dancing, gymming; eat your favorite food at restaurants. Do what you love, what you like.

8. You will have a lot of “me time” and there is no other person consuming your time and you are have plenty time for yourself to think about yourself and your future.

9. You are now officially single and can flirt with anyone you like without having any guilt and fear. You have the freedom to date anyone, go on multiple dates and pick the one you like with the fact that no one is judging you.

10. No more crying over relationships. Relationships comes with a lot of expectations and set rules to be followed, being single means you don’t have to fulfill any expectations and having second thoughts about doing anything in life.

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