10 Ways to Calm a fight with your Partner

Arguments or fights is very common in relationships but if you fight more often you should find ways to calm your arguments or fight to make your relationship work. Having fights doesn’t mean that there is no love in a relationship but frequent fights can make your relationship bitter. Here are some ways in which you can calm or avoid an argument with your partner:

1. Even in a fight, don’t say things which you might regret in future. Just try to make them understand your point of view in a very polite way and gently.

2. Don’t go to sleep in bed angry with your partner, sleep in the same bed. Don’t stretch your fight for more than 24 hours; try to fix your fight soon so that it doesn’t affect your mood.

3. Remember what you are fighting for. Is it worth to fight for a thing that can ruin your relationship? To win a fight means you are losing your relationship, so remember that no argument is worth your relationship.

4. Never bring up the past in an argument that has no connection with that, focus on the current situation. Bringing up the past can make your relationship and fight more ugly and bitter.

5. Say words like “I am Sorry “, “I forgive you “, “I understand you “, “I love you” more, it will make you think that your partner is more important than just a stupid fight.

6. Always remember the positive sides of your partner, and not to focus on the negative points. Everyone has good and bad points too, it’s up to you on which you have to focus more.

7. In an argument, try to touch their hand, open your arms and hug them and just let go of the fight at that moment.

8. An ego is big enough to destroy a relationship. Be the first one to talk and apologize and seek a resolution over a compromise.

9. If you don’t have a control on your anger then just keep silent. One has to keep silent and patient in a fight to avoid the keep peace and harmony in your relationship.

10. Don’t go to your family, friends or any third person to discuss about your fights, it will only bring negativity in your mind as everyone has a different point of view about things.

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