6 Variety of Bags every Girl should own
Girls love buying bags and they want every variety of it in their closets. There is no girl in the world who would say NO to buying bags or one bag is sufficient for her. You cannot carry one kind of bag with all the attires. It is essential to buy bags that help you out in moments of need. It should look good, have proper space. Here are the 6 kinda of bags that every girl should have.
1) Tote bag- It is perfect to keep all your stuff. It is comfortable to carry.
2) Clutches– It can be carried when you are out for a formal or special occasions.
3) Sling bag– It is perfect for a day when don’t want to carry a lot of stuff. You can keep your main things like phones, cash.
4) Duffel bag– It is perfect when you are out for an instant short trip as it has enough space to carry all your suitable stuffs.
5) Backpack– It is also a must have as it can carry a lot of stuff and when you are not in a mood to carry a shoulder bag and give your shoulder a break. You can carry a backpack in an easy and relaxed way.
6) Satchels– It gives you a ladylike look and looks stylish. It has two ways to carry Satchels- the top handle and sling strap. You can carry as it as the way you like.