7 Ways to Avoid Damaging Your Hair This Summer

Summer means happy times and good sunshine. It means going to the beach, going to Disneyland, having fun. –Brian Wilson. It’s important to set hair goals while on your hair journey especially this summer. Setting hair goals provides you with a sense of direction and you know what areas to tackle and set your attention on. In this article are the 7 ways to avoid damaging your summer.

1. Avoid Heat

First of all you should avoid heat especially this summer of course most of us already know the sun’s rays can damage skin but not just that it can also damage our high-quality weave hair so avoid the additional heat as much as you can. Go slow on the blow dryer, and if required, wash your hair half an hour earlier so that they get ample time to air-dry.

2. Avoid Using Styling Iron

Second wash your hair everyday but avoid using the styling iron or curlers to damage your hair because its high temperature and let them be as natural as they can.

3. Go Outside Use Caps

Third if you are planning to go outside use a protection for your hair like caps or hats especially if your hair is already colored because colored hair too tends to fade if you stay outdoors too long.

4. Avoid Using Chemical Product

Fourth summers already dries your hair out and causes damage to them. So make sure you go easy on any chemical hair treatments during this period. And less chemical product, more beautiful and health your hair.

5. Bring Back Life To Your Hair

Fifth the tips of your hair take a lot of beating during the summer. This is when you see split ends and dry tips, and this is neither healthy for your hair, nor do they look good. Summer is the ideal time to give yourself a new haircut, but if you don’t want to shorten your hair just a small trim that will take care of the ends and bring back life to your hair.

6. Control Frizz Hair

Sixth try and control your hair from becoming too frizzy by tying it up not only does it keep your hair protected from frizz, but it also reduces the sweating.

7. Drink Enough Water

And lastly while you may be doing all of the above to protect your hair from the sun, if you’re not drinking enough water, you’re not going to achieve anything so drink a lot of water every day.

Our hair gets harmed in many different ways during summer’s overexposure to sun’s harmful rays, sweat, and humidity and of course, spending too much time in a swimming pool chlorinated water. While all of these are reasons enough to lead to a bad hair day and cause long-term damage, a little pre-emptive care is all your hair needs to stay beautiful!

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