10 Things Only Happy Couples Do

A good relationship is not only about being happy and romantic all the time but also about accepting each other’s weirdness and flaws. Relationships require work. It is a two way street where you need to give than much more you are given. It is about finding happiness together, giving support to each other. There is no real secret to having a perfect and happy relationship, but you can make it better easily by following a few habits that helps make your relationship last.


1) Nobody is perfect or the same, so a couple should have respect to each other’s views, thoughts, differences.

2) Cultivate common interests. People are different so if there is no common interest in your relationship, develop them. At the same time, give importance to your own interests too.

3) It is very easy to start a fight on a petty issue and hold a grudge, but you should not hold it on for a longer time. That will create a bridge between you two. So try to avoid silly mistakes and issues of your partner.

4) Love your partner with whole heart by truly and honestly trusting your partner.

5) Never go to sleep angry. And always try to enter your bedroom at the same time. That is your time, as it creates a pattern for sharing a special time at the end of each day.

6) Say words like “I love you” , “ Have a good day” , “ See you in the evening” , “Good night”. These show your care and concern towards your partner. It makes you feel much happier.

7) Focus on what your partner does right, not wrong. You should not pin-point your partner’s mistakes. If he/she do something in a bad way, no need to yell at them. One can be calm and positive so the other can see the positive things in their relationship.

8) Hug and kiss to start and end the day. Hugs, the good touch release a hormone oxytocin that elevates feelings of intimacy, trust, security.

9) Encourage your partner in achieving their goals at professional and personal front. Support and motivate them to keep moving forward in life.

10) A caring call or a text can really brighten their day and bring a smile on their face and show them that you are thinking of them. This is like an added bonus and it really works.

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