How to get rid of Blackheads at Home

Blackheads are clogged pores that are formed due to dirt and dead skin. Blackheads are mostly visible around the nose and chin area and happen when you have oily skin. Removing blackheads at home will be easy and you can follow these simple steps at home:

1. Steam

Take steam or hot bath to open your blocked pores and soften your skin so that blackheads can be easily removed. Don’t take too much of steam if you have sensitive skin.

2. Lemon

Lemon juice contains citric acid and Vitamin C which works to remove dead skin and open clogged pores . Squeeze lemon juice into a bowl and use dip cotton to put lemon juice around blackhead area and then wash with warm water to remove blackheads.

3. Egg White Mask

Eggs are easily available at home and its mask is best to remove your current blackheads as it contains protein, minerals. First you need to take eggs, then beat it till it becomes thick and Then apply it on the blackhead covered area and leave it for 10-15 mins , it will also reduce the chances of future blackheads.

4. Honey and Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that benefits the skin, including the removal of blackheads and honey has antibacterial properties too . Mix Honey and 1 tsp of Cinnamon powder and apply it with cotton strip on the affected area , wait for 5-10 mins and then clean the face with water .

5. Baking Soda

Baking Soda also helps in removing blackheads. It has antibacterial and anti fungal properties which helps the skin to be loosened around the blackheads so that they can be easily removed.

6. Rose Water

Using rose water on regular basis, helps in preventing blackheads, pimples and acnes , and thus keep your skin free of oil and dirt.

7. Jojoba Oil

Massage the jojoba oil for 5–10 minutes and apply warm towel on the affected area. The jojoba will loose and open the pores of blackhead so that if there is a small amount of pressure applied, the oil plug will pop out.

Apart from all these remedies you can also go for reguilar cleansing of skin, facials, use of toners and exfoliate your skin which will reduce the chances of blackheads .

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