7 Types of Women You Should Never Date in Life

In our whole life we have been looking for a “Perfect girl” but never found any because no one in perfect and everyone has some flaws. But there are some types of girl we should stay away from or never date in our life because dating them will be a headache and eventually you will end up breaking up with them. Everything feels like perfect or dreamy in the beginning, but when she begins to reveal her true colors, you will literally feel like running away from her . Here are some of the types :

Feminist Type

The one who takes feminism so seriously and all she talks about is equality, independence and feminism, never date them. They will make your life miserable because she will not be able to adjust in a man’s society and they always think she is more intelligent than you.


Gold Digger

Some women just want their men to spend all their money on them only and will never put their hands in purse to pay for their bills. They expect expensive gifts , expensive dates at fancy restaurants from you all the time but you should put a limit to it. Go for a girl who doesn’t run after your money and truly loves you for what you are.


Princess Type

Those girls who think that their parents have treated them like a princess and you should also do the same for the rest of your life. Life is too practical but those who have so much of tantrums and think that the world should revolve around them will never think the way you do in life .


Show Off Type

Those girls who will judge you by your shoes , your car and all the materialistic things because they just want a Show off Man to show it to the world and their friends and will not be concerned with your feelings.


Drama Queen

Overly dramatic girls have a habit of exaggerating small things into big and will always put you in uncomfortable situations. Drama queen girls will always think that its your fault always and will put you in lot of troubles.


Insecure and Jealous Type

Insecure people are very complicated and confused in life. They are with you because they want to spend their rest of the lives alone. A little jealousy or possessiveness in a relationship is acceptable, as it can make a person feel more loved and special, but it has to be in a limit. Crossing that limit can be harmful to your relationship.



The Cry baby girls will cry over little things and make you do whatever she wants even if you are not willing to. They cant adjust with anything and will end up ruining your good mood always because they will always find negativity in everything they encounter.



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