Why Women Love their BFF More than their Partners

Friendship is the most important relation in our lives that we can find on our own because they are not blood related. According to a recent study by Champneys, a spa and healthcare company, women loves their BFF’s more than their husbands or partners. Well there is no doubt on that because anyday women are good listeners and have more patience than men. The company did the survey on more than 1,500 women out of which over 50 % said that they love their friends more than their husbands.


There were many reasons why they love their BFF’s more and the most important reason is that women connects with the other women more emotionally than men.You get more comfortable with your best friends and you can also share your deepest secrets with them without any kind of hesitation. Another reason can be you enjoy more with your friends than your spouse because they can bring out the goofy side of you and you will not feel any kind of embarrassment with them.

BFF’S help you to cry your heart out without thinking and understand your mood swings . On the other hand Men can never understand you so deeply and are irritating sometimes. Best friends are your lifeline as the know you better more than anything else and make the good times better and the hard times easier.

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