12 Superstitions in India We all Still Believe

India is one dynamic land of numerous meaningless superstitions in India we all had believed in our lives and followed them as well. People here in India blindly beleive religious superstitions because they are scared of god. Here are some superstitions that is to be only believed in India:

1. If any black cat crosses your path, then it’s a sign of bad luck . You should wait for someone to cross the path before you do.

2. “Teen tighada, kaam bighada” . If you are going for some good work then 3 people going together means bad luck.

3. If you are marrying someone , one is Manglik and other is not, the other person will die after marriage .

4. You should not eat Non veg on Tuesdays or at religious days.

5. Number 13 is the most unlucky number in India because in Bible it is a symbol of bad luck and rebellion . In hotels even there is no 13th Floor.

6. Womens should not wash their hairs on Thursday because it will harm their brother.

7. You should not keep broken or shattered mirrors at home as it brings bad luck.

8. We must not call someone at the very same moment when someone is going outside. It is considered bad for the person who is going outside.

9. Whenever someone got Hiccups we believe some one is remembering us.

10. Do not go near Peepul and Banyan trees specially at night because are it is the place of ghosts and witches.

11. One should use Nimbu and Mirchi to put at the entrance of your house to protect it from Buri Nazar.

12. We should not cut our hair and nails at night .

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