6 Signs that Shows You are in a Wrong Relationship

Being in a relationship with the one you love is a beautiful feeling. But when you get into a relationship, you wonder if it us going to be a good relationship with your lover and if it is going to last long. We need love to feel better and live happier in our lives. But it takes a lot of efforts to create a good relationship. Sometimes, the initial attraction is not enough to make a lasting relationship. Being in a wrong relationship will make you feel emotions like depression, frustration, fear, anger and will start having trust issues. Following are the signs that you are in a wrong relationship:-

You are very different from each other

When you first met, you felt a connection but after a certain period, you have got to know more about each other. And there you realise that you have nothing in common. These differences can create a gap between you two. It is to be believed that couples who have at least something in common like likes, culture, backgrounds, beliefs, they have an easier time.

You are not being yourself

If you have noticed that you have changed a lot since the beginning of your relationship, and then surely you are with a wrong person. And you might want to re-evaluate the things. You should not change yourself. Your partner should accept the way you are. You are in a relationship so your partner should bring best out of you, not to change you.

You blame each other

You cannot be at fault every time. If you think that every thing is wrong because of you only then it is your fault. Your partner might think the same about you. But if you cannot sort out your issues by leaving your ego aside, then it is time to move on. You both share some responsibilities for the way things are.

You feel disrespect

Falling out of love with your partner is one thing, and it can happen, but feeling hatred or contempt for them, it is a sign that things are going to get worse. Bitterness, disrespect is negative emotions that are not good for a healthy relationship at all.

When you are losing your interest

If you have started realising that you are bored with your partner or you don’t feel for your partner and cannot find a reason to care, it is a clear sign to move on in your life. There is no point in wasting your time, money and effort at it. Move forward and don’t look back.

You fantasise about being with other people

You might not be physically cheating on your partner, but emotional cheating is also a cheating. If you visualise or day dreaming yourself with someone else better person and not with your partner, then it is the time to tell your partner about your unsatisfaction. If you feel that your partner is not being able to make you happy and you feel that you can’t talk to your partner about them, is a clear sign of broken communication. Understanding plays an important part in a relationship but if you think there is a gap, then let it be and move on.

A good relationship is a beautiful experience. But if it is with a right person. A good relationship requires the happy and willing efforts of two lovers. But if you ever feel any of the above mentioned situations, then it is the time to step back or re-evaluate the things.

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