8 Promises Every Women Should Make to Herself Before Marriage

Marriages are made in heaven and fulfilled on this earth , it is the only relationship where two individuals meet and spend the rest of the life with each other till death. There is a custom in marriage that a girl has to leave her home and parents after marriage and live with her husband and his family for the rest of her life , people say why women have to leave their house and make all the adjustments is only because they are much stronger than men mentally and emotionally . Before starting a new phase , a women must make some promises to herself :

1. Make promise to mall all the possible adjustments and compromises not only for your husband but for your in laws as well. Don’t give up easily on your marriage . It will only make you a stronger person and gain respect from them.

2. Never talk bad or negative about your husband or in laws to your friends or parents . It will only create a negative image in your mind about them , try to adjust with the situations and if you don’t like something say it with politely .

3. You should give definitely some personal space to your husband as everyone needs their own “Me” time sometimes. Being married doesn’t mean you should share each and everything with your spouse as you are still two individuals who should respect each other privacy and space.

4. Don’t be so adamant about not doing domestic help , being married means you have to responsible related to your house duties as well . One must do some household duties to be a part of another home, learn about the likes and dislikes of your in laws.

5. Treat your mother in law right and give her respect. May be she can’t take place of your mother but always remember that it can be a difficult for a mother to share her son, those emotions only a mother can understand. You don’t know her journey on how she brought up your husband. So give her some time and space. So if some messy happens in your family, just try to avoid a fight.

6. Marriage will be a roller coaster ride. There will be ups and downs in your married life, there will be happy and bad moments also but how you stand by your partner is very important. When hard times come don’t think it is the end because it’s normal in every marriage.

7. Don’t try to change others as their life will be same, only your life will be changed as you have moved to your spouse house, so better change yourself. Don’t live in a fairytale that everything will be changed or act according to you so early, it will certainly happen but slowly with time.

8. There is no shame in apologizing and saying I am Sorry. We all are humans and we all make mistakes, its better to not have ego problems with your spouse and be the first one to apologize. Always focus on positive traits of your partner and not on the negative ones.

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