10 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a BFF

Friendship is the only relationship which we get or find on our own. They are not blood related but not even less than that. We choose our friends. It is the mutual relationship of affection, trust, support and cooperation between two or more persons. No matter how many comforting hands you have around, there would be no one else better than your best friend.Following are some things which we all can relate about best friends-

1. BFF’S can make you laugh louder, smile brighter and live happier.They are the people who are there with you in your bad times.

2. BFF’S help you to cry your heart out without thinking about your runny nose or making fun of you just to make you feel better They give you a confidence-booster when you need it the most.

3. They listen to your complaints non-stop about how your parents, colleagues, boss or husband don’t understand you.You can share your deepest secrets with them without any kind of hesitation.

4. You can help each other in improving each others personalities and will contantly giving you advise even if you dont want it.

5. They bring out your goofy side. You can openly talk about weird things, funny pictures, just for fun.

6. They support you in your relationships. They feel happy if you are happy, and if you have any bad relationship, they support you like your own back.

7. They care for you when you are broken. They love you for who you are and make the good times better and the hard times easier.

8. When you are feeling guilty about anything, they want you to confess.They understand your mood swings and know how calm you down.

9. They do not feel embarrassed about your looks , or if you have put on weight.

10. They discuss with you about each other sex lives and all the crazy fantasies that you never think to tell others.

A best friend is a blessing of God. We feel so comfortable and safe in their company. We all need at least that one best friend with whom we can share our emotions, on whom we can rely. Life is all about to live to its maximum and it becomes beautiful with your best friends memories. So trust and love your friends and value your friendship and cherish the moments.

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