5 ways a Bad Relationship Can affect your Health

Being in a relationship with the one you love is a beautiful feeling. But when you get into a relationship, you wonder if it us going to be a good relationship with your lover and if it is going to last long. It takes a lot of efforts to create a good relationship. But Sometimes, the initial attraction is not enough to make a lasting relationship. Being in a bad relationship will make you feel about yourself and will start having trust issues and can actually affect your Health.

1. Anxiety Issues

If you are going through a bad phase in a relationship , you will have anxiety issues , you get stressed all the time , you end up overthinking of things and that will definitely affect your health .

2. Sleep Disorders

Being in a bad relationship will also make you suffer from sleeping disorders. It is said when you are happy in a relationship you feel relaxed and sleep well. Research shows that relationship conflicts leads to poor sleep.

3. Weight Issues

It’s a fact that people don’t pay much attention to their diet when they are in a rough relationship because of too much stress. You may end up gaining weight or lose weight when you lose a relationship.

4. Stressful Life

Research shows that if you are in happy relationship your stress level reduces and in the same way disputes or disagreements in a relationship increases your stress levels. A stressful life is very bad for your health because you give no attention to your diet and end up ignoring your health issues.

5. Depression

Relationships are complicated, chaotic and a bad relationship makes any person suffer from depression which will make your life miserable because it takes time to heal from depression.

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