Laws every Women Must Know that are Protecting the Rights of Indian Women

Women are the most serene creation of the almighty God with the perfect balance between humanity and intelligence. A woman has the power to create mankind and the strength to sustain it. In the due course of history, female population has been discriminated and degraded by the male dominating society at every step, but with their sheer courage and bravery women have surpassed the dark clouds of the society and emerged as a strong personality.

Especially, the situation of Indian women have been very poor from the beginning and that’s why they had to fight super hard to get their right to equality. However, today an Indian woman is a mirage of power, strength, intelligence, and bravery.

To protect the dignity and glory of women, Indian governments have developed numerous strong rules and regulations in the past few years. All these legal implementations have helped women in finding their ground to grow. Some of the revolutionary rules fabricated by the Indian government which has changed the life of a lady are disclosed ahead.

Revolutionary Women Laws Implemented By Indian Government

1. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006

Child marriage has been one of the cruelest demons of Indian society which has destroyed a number of little girls lives. India has been ranked 13 in the department of child marriage. Moreover, shameful data presented by the International Research Centre for Women narrates that 47% of girls are married before the age of 18 in India.

In 2007, the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act was implemented according to which girl below the age of 18 and boy below the age of 21 can’t get married. However, if their parents try to marry them, then they will be heavily punished under this act.

2. Indian Divorce Act, 1969

This is a powerful law created for women who want a way out of her unhappy marriage. Under this act, she will get right to dissolve her marriage with mutual consent. Special family courts were established to hear such cases.

3. Maternity (Amendment) Bill 2017

This bill is the amendment of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. This bill has been a savior for working women in many ways. As per newly amended law, now women can take 26 weeks of paid maternity leave which was earlier only allowed up to 12 weeks. Moreover, women can now take 12 weeks of paid maternity leave in case adoption. Oh yeah, this law has plenty of other lucrative provisions for working women who want to enjoy the bliss of motherhood as well.

4. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

To create a safe and protected working environment for women, the law against sexual harassment at workplace has been implemented by the government. This law covers – the usage of sexual language, invasion of private space with a male colleague hovering too close for comfort, subtle touches and innuendoes.

5. Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018

The inhuman act of rape against women has increased ten folds in the past few years. So, to empower the law against this crude act, Union Cabinet Chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has improved the criminal law including the IPC, Criminal Procedure Code (CrPc), Evidence Act and POCSO. The punishment under this act has been increased from 7 years to the severe punishment of death.

Today’s Indian woman is ready to conquer the world with her zeal and bravery. These rules are merely here to safeguard our modern women’s interest because now women are ready and no amount of social barriers are going to stop them.

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