8 Signs that shows your Partner is Over Possessive in a Relationship

Being possessive means that a person is unwilling to share and wanting everything or demanding everything of a person’s time, attention, and love. When we get into a relationship, ever thing seems like a fairy tale where love is all around. At first you think, you have fallen in love with the perfect person who will do right for you. But as you get involved deeper and deeper, you start to explore more about each other and there the things change.

A little jealousy or possessiveness in a romantic relationship is acceptable, as it can make a person feel more loved and special, but it has to be in a limit. Crossing that limit can be harmful to your relationship.Following are the signs that will help you understand your partner’s possessiveness-

1) Asking questions about everything you do – The questions being asked about your whereabouts. It is okay if your partner is a bit aware of your whereabouts as a concern, but not every single detail as where were you, what took you so long, whom you were with, when will you come back, etc etc. This kind of behavior clearly shows that your partner wants to keep a track of everything you do. And this thing in a relationship is harmful.

2) Compliments – Your partner does not like when someone praises you. It may be some family member or a friend, and especially someone from the opposite sex. Your partner simply does not like it at all and starts behaving negative. Step back if u feel this kind of behavioral

3) Controls you all the time – Your partner simply controls you that they even want you to take permission for every single thing you do. They will try to keep you away from other people in manipulative ways.

4) Afraid of being abandoned – If your partner feels that you will leave them, especially in the case of a male partner who can lead the things into physical violence, just go away from them. They cannot bound you into their areas. Generally it is believed that, people who feel afraid of being left are emotionally and mentally weaker, and they can be very aggressive.

5) Mood swings – If at one moment your partner gets mad on you over simple issues, and the next moment they calm themselves by saying that “They love you very much or they cannot live without you”, it is clear sign of your partner is being over possessive. Watch out for the mood swings and you feel the frequency as constant, then it is your time to think that, Is it really jealousy or something else.

6) Decisions- Your partner wants to be the part of your every single decision you make. They just want to be there. You feel pressurized to do what they want you to do. And if you make your own decision without them, they just cannot seem to accept.

7) Space – Personal space is something which must be valued in a relationship. You are a free person who can choose anything you want to do. But if your partner is setting limits on your space, that is something unacceptable. They will impose themselves too much on your space that is “yours”.

8) Needy and clingy – This is a major sign of a possessive partner to remind you all the time that, you are center of their world. Their world revolves only around you. They do not want you to have social connections. They do not want you to go out from their own world. They only want to be around you 24×7 in some way or the other.

Possessiveness is a clear sign of insecurity. And this fear comes from rejection or abandonment. Relationships are all about trust and understanding, and not about bounding your partner against your partner’s wishes. The above traits do not prove that your partner is bad. But there is a fine thin line between a healthy jealousy which is tolerable and extreme violent possessiveness. Hence, it is best if you spot the signs of possessiveness at an early stage of your relationship and try to find out with a solution before it gets late.

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