7 Problems only Elder Child will Relate to

First borns get the most love of parents but apart from love there are many difficulties they face too. Parents love all their children equally but younger one are generally more pampered than the elder one.

Here are some problems only older child will relate to :

1.Parents often tend to have high expectations from the elder child and want them to act more mature than their age.

2. Younger one gets away from the mistakes they have done but it’s not the same case with the elder child .

3. You are expected to teach wisdom to your younger sibling and help them in studies too.

4. Parents expect their older child to adjust more for them and their younger siblings because “Tum to Bade ho na”.

5. And when you get into an argument , and everyone is angry with you because you are older one and “supposed to know better.”

6. And when you have to give away your things and stuff to your younger sibling even some of your favourite things …..Ufffff

7.When you have to babysit them when your parents are not around even though you have plans.

8. When the younger one blackmails you for something you did and you have to give a nod to whatever they want .

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