On 73rd Independence Day, Every Girl should get Freedom from these things

India got independence day on 14th August 1947, and every year we celebrate our Independence day on 15th August. Its 73rd Independence day and still we as women do not have as much freedom as compared to men and there is also so much societal pressure on us. There are plenty of things women are not allowed to do because women are always expected to adjust and compromise with their lives. There are some things which most of the feminists still want to do and want freedom to get rid of the pressures society is giving them.

Giving Importance to Career after Marriage

There should not be any burden on any women to leave career after marriage or compromise for it as their parents had also spend huge amount of money on their education and their talent should not go waste .

Freedom to get married whenever they want

In India parents pressurise their daughters to get married soon because they think that the duty as women is just to get married and have babies. As a woman I should have the right to choose my life partner and get married whenever I want to without any restrictions.

Freedom not to Cook and do Household work after marriage

Women are not born to just do the household work and cook food after marriage, they are equally qualified too and the work should also be divided equally between her and husband.

Freedom to do whatever they want

Women should have the right to do whatever they want and there should not be any societal pressure on them.

Freedom To be Outspoken

Women are always expected to stay quiet even if when they are angry and not to be outspoken . Women should have the freedom to say whatever they want to and should have their own opinion which should be applauded by society.

Freedom to Wear what they want to

Don’t judge women by the lengths of their dresses, ask men to have a broader thinking. Women should have the right to wear anything , you can’t judge them by their clothes and talk about their parents upbringing . They have raised their daughter well and it’s time to change your thinking.

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