8 Lessons Corporate World has Taught You Hard Way

Are you working in a Corporate world right now? If yes , then you must be getting responses from people that you are lucky to get the opportunity in the corporate world but only those who are working know the life lessons it has taught you.

There will always be difficult people in your office or difficult situations that only you have to deal with . If you are new to this world, let us tell you some hard hitting facts about it :

1. Learn to say “NO” with diplomacy. Yes , you heard it right because being straight forward will not work in a corporate world.

2. You have to show off your work because how will your boss or manager knows that you have done better than your other colleagues.

3. Get everything in written or on mail even from your seniors and colleagues as people tend to change their statement as per their convenience in order to save their jobs and in the end you will get in trouble .

4. There will always be difficult people at your workplace that constantly bitches about you, well don’t get in to verbal arguments with them as they will only make you lose focus from your work. Instead avoid these kind of people and let them say whatever they want to.

5. Hear gossip but don’t get involved in it. Once you start spreading gossip around you are one of them. It’s better to keep your mouth shut and resist the urge to be a part of it.

6. Don’t mix your emotions and professionalism together in a corporate world . Just focus on your work and don’t share your too much personal information to anyone , it can get you in trouble. Avoid dating someone from your work.

7. Always remember ” Your office life is not your life”, you have a life outside the office too. Don’t spend too much time in office just to get noticed by your Boss unless and until it’s not very urgently required.

8. It’s always important to be in good books of your boss as no matter what your boss is always right and you just have to always nod with them.

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