How to Make your Hair Grow Long and Healthy

We all wish for long and healthy hair , but it is like a dream for most of us as for some people the growth of the hair remains the same throughout the year. Our hair contains keratin protein which is made of amino acids , which is why our diet and hair both need protein treatment on a regular basis.

Treat your hair with care

Treating your hair with gentle care is the first step when looking for hair growth. Comb your hair with a thick brush upside down and avoid using tight bands for your hair as it will lead to breakage of hair.Never comb on wet hair as it can lead to breakage of your hair , one should comb only when your hair is dry .

Don’t wash your Hair Daily

Washing your hair everyday can spoil the texture of your hair as the shampoo and conditioner you are using has some chemicals in it.Wash your hair 2-3 times a week at least to keep your hair healthy. Dirt and dust get stuck in our hair so it is good to wash 2-3 times, and not on a daily basis. Also try to use shampoo with less chemicals in it, go for natural shampoos.

Trim your Hair Regularly

Get your hair trimmed after every 30-40 days, for proper growth and shed dead ends. Trimming regularly will help you in your hair growth.

Massage Scalp with Oil

Oil can do wonders on your hair as it has minerals and vitamins that don’t just strengthen your roots but also improve overall health and growth of your hair. Coconut oil , mustard oil and olive oil are the most recommended ones. Massaging your hair with oil helps in protecting your hair from damage and dandruff and also increases the growth of your hair.

Eat healthy

Start eating healthy. Try to include Iron and Protein in your diet like green vegetables, soya beans, milk, yogurt as they strengthen your hair. Proteins are also rich in amino acids. A well balanced diet and consumption of excess water helps in growth of healthy hair.

Egg Treatment

Eggs are considered to be one of the best sources of protein. Eggs contain rich sources of Vitamin D, B6, B12, selenium, and minerals such as zinc, copper and iron. You can use egg masks for healthy and growing hair . Using only egg white on your hair will make it more dry, make a paste of egg white and olive oil and apply it on hair and leave it for around 30 minutes.

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