5 Signs a Relationship Isn’t Going To Last

Relationships look easy in the initial stage as there will be more excitement and love but once that blossom period is over you will get to know about the real hardships of relationship. Well it’s tough to predict that the relationship will long last or not but there will be some sure indicators which you should not ignore that will help you to make the decision of your life. Here are some signs that shows a relationship will not long last :

You are Not being yourself

Relationships are all about accepting the person with the way they are and your partner doesn’t try to change you constantly. If you are feeling that you are not the same person as you used to be then eventually that relationship will end. You should not change yourself for anyone, adjusting is fine but changing the person completely is not acceptable.

Nothing in Common

When you first met, you felt a connection but after a certain period, you have got to know more about each other. And there you realize that you have nothing in common. These differences can create a gap between you two. It is to be believed that couples who have at least something in common like likes, culture, backgrounds, beliefs, they have an easier time.

Lack of Empathy

In a relationship one person should have empathy and emotions for the other then only your relationship will survive. A person who lacks empathy will never be able to understand your feelings and will always accuse you of being over sensitive and over emotional.

Too many arguments

Arguments are common between partners in relationships because every individual has a different point of view and one should always respect that. But if you are arguing every other day and not agreeing on anything, it means you both are not on the same page or the efforts you make are not appreciated by your partner .

Lack of Communication

It is rightly said “Communication is the key to a successful relationship”. When two people in a relationship lack communication it simply means that the spark is missing . When you don’t communicate well how will you expect your relationship will work. The more you communicate, the more satisfying your relationship life will be.

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