5 Ways Pomegranate Can Do Wonders on your Skin

Do you know pomegranate isn’t only good for your taste buds—but it’s also great for your skin? With the regular consumption of pomegranate, you can gain the following skin benefits:

Anti-aging Agent

Vitamin C present in pomegranate can treat your dead skin cells and increase the cell regeneration process. Plus, antioxidants help in reducing wrinkles and fine lines. For young and rejuvenated skin, pomegranate seeds are wonderful.

Reduce Inflammation

Antioxidants also assist in treating inflammatory skin conditions like acne and eczema. Pomegranate can provide a free radical damage treatment to you.

Antimicrobial Properties

Vitamin C is a natural antimicrobial, which can defeat bacteria and fungus targeting your skin.

UV Protection

To some level, antioxidants can protect against harmful ultraviolet rays. But, always apply sunscreen before going out under the glaring sun.

Natural Exfoliation

Pomegranate is a natural exfoliation that can treat damaged skin cells and keep anti-aging under check.

You can eat, drink or directly apply pomegranate juice on your skin and give a rejuvenating treatment to your skin.

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