4 Things Girls Should Consider Before Getting Married

Are you ready to tie a holy matrimony knot? Ready to wear your dream lehenga and become Mrs. from Miss. Then, you must be receiving all sorts of marriage advice from aunties, married cousins, and friends.

Unfortunately, no one actually gave the practical guide on marriage; they just talk about all flowery stuff. Therefore, we have created a bucket list of things to consider before getting married for ladies.

Will You Change your Surname?

The surname that has been your identity since birth — are you willing to give it up? If you are, it’s not going to make you anti-feminist. And, if you don’t want, it’s not wrong either. Just make your decision and discuss it with your future husband.

Do You Want To Work After Marriage?

For a career-oriented girl, it is a very important aspect to consider before marriage. You need to discuss your ambitions and career goals with your partner. And ensure that you are on the same page.

When Do You Want To Have Kids?

This is a very important topic — do you want to have kids? If yes, when? Especially if you are a working woman, you need to do family planning in advance. If you and your husband wish to wait for sometime before kids, think about which contraceptive method you prefer.

Marriage Isn’t All About Romance!

Marriage isn’t like movies where your husband will unveil your face and drink milk on the wedding night before doing the deed. In fact, it’s going to be too much awkwardness for the first few days between you and your partner, especially in arranged marriages. But, once wedding fever goes down, you will find your small romantic moments here and there.

Remember, girls, marriage is based on Respect, Fairness, Responsibility, Love, and Trust. Just offer all these to your partner and demand the same in return — you will have a happy marriage!

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