6 Benefits of Drinking Red Wine

Wine, especially red wine, has been used since many years, for treating various health conditions. Drinking is definitely not good for health. But red wine consumption seems to lower the risk of several diseases as it high in Resveratol. However, there is a difference between excessive and moderate intake. Red wine, when consumed in small amounts, considered as a powerful antioxidant that protects the body at a cellular level. Here are some amazing health benefits of red wine.

1. Red wine is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, tannin and resveratol that help fight ageing by restoring collagen. It also contains polyphenols that help transform a dull complexion and give your skin a natural and beautiful glow that you have always wished. You can also add red wine in your face packs for a glowing skin.

2. The powerful plant compounds in red wine leads to many health benefits, including lower risk of heart diseases, reduced inflammation and cancer diseases.

3. Moderate red wine consumption reduces the risk of several cancers including colon, ovary, prostate and breast cancers.

4. Red wine helps prevent vision loss that occurs due to an overgrowth of blood vessels in the eye. The Resveratol in red wine may help prevent your vision loss.

5. Red wine also helps you sleep peacefully and reduces your stress and depression, as it contains melatonin hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles.

6. Red wine can be used for hair growth as well. You can wash your hair with red wine or simply massage your scalp with it, then shampoo, conditioner and rinse.

Note- Red wine consumption should be moderate. You can consult a doctor for the consumption. Not more than one glass for women, and not more than two glasses for men.

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