7 Best Home Cardio Exercise for Everyone

As per the guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, at least 150 minutes of cardio workout per week is recommended.

That means just 30 minutes of cardio five days a week can treat your blood pressure, asthma symptoms, chronic pain, and many other problems.

Whether you are an adult, kid, or elderly, you can easily perform the following cardio at your home—

Cardio Exercises for Beginners (Kids or Elders)

Marching in place — helps to warm up your body and elevate blood flow towards your heart.


Single leg stand — boosts your abdominal and heart muscles. Slightly bend your knees, lift up one at a time for 3-6 inch and hold the position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with your other leg.


Jogging in place — is the best way to pump up your heart rate. Just stand in a place, bounce lightly from one foot to the other, and swing the arms from side to side simultaneously.


Air jump rope — to warm up your body, jump on an imaginary rope. Stand with your feet together and jump up and down in a place while swinging your hands.

Cardio Exercises for Pros (Adults)

Squat jumps — works on your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms at the sides, bend your knees and then, squat up and down.


Lateral shuffles — start from one end of the room and move to another while squatting fast and slow. It is similar to football or speed-skating warm-up.

Climbing stairs — use stairs at your home to go up and down to strengthen your cardiovascular and leg muscles.

It’s super easy to do cardio exercises at home. So, stop making excuses and start working out now.

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