8 Signs You are Unhappy With Your Current Job

We all look for happiness in both our personal and professional lives. If we are unhappy in either one of them , we start feeling negative and stressed. It is very important to feel positive and happy at the office because you are spending 8-9 hours of your day there , and if you are unhappy in your job it can mentally affect you. Here are some signs that you are unhappy with your current job :

You Feel Lazy : One should feel happy or energetic during office hours as it creates positivity in the environment . If you feel lazy / Not Happy doing your office work, then you are not happy with your job.

You Spend your Weekends worrying about Office Work : People wait for weekends to spend time with family or enjoy that’s what weekends are for. But if you are spending your weekend worrying about going back to the office on Monday or about work, then it’s time to change your outlook.

Working hours feel long : If you feel like the office working hours are too long and you are constantly looking at the time waiting to go home, then you are not happy with your job.

You can’t Stop Complaining about your Office : There are many things we don’t like about our office like timings, HR policies or may be your boss , but if you are constantly nagging about your work and don’t like even a single thing about your office, its better you should change your job.

You are a Victim of Office Politics :
Office politics is very common these days and is a part of the work environment that no one can avoid. There will always be difficult people in your office that don’t like you, no matter how good you are with them. Office politics is a common reason to stay unhappy at work.

You have No friends in Office : It is very important to have cordial relations with your colleagues and manager. Having no friends in the office can be annoying and stressful sometimes, and can reduce your productivity in the office.

You are only Doing a Job for Money : Who does not work for money ? Right ? But we all also work to learn new things to get promotion and appraisals. But if you focus only on money and are not interested in learning anything new, it means you are not happy with your work profile.

You are Constantly Stressed : Stress is common in professional life, worrying about deadlines or any pitch to clients , we all take work pressure. But stress should be under control, stressing about work the whole day or having anxiety can lead to serious troublesome.

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