6 Normal Things If Women Does are a Big Problem for Society

Being a girl in India is not easy , because the “Society” expects a lot from them .In our Indian typical society , women are always asked to behave nicely and showcase her as a “Good Girl”. Things still haven’t changed much for the girls as they are the one who will sacrifice and compromise for their families. When it comes to women, people are judgmental and have opinions in their mind about gender roles without even knowing anything about the circumstances.

Solo Travelling

Travelling is the best way to get rid of your monotonous life and from our daily hectic life schedule. We consider it safe ,cool and adventurous for a man if they go for solo travelling but at the same time when a woman travels alone we question them. Why is she doing that? Is she mad?

Wearing Shorts in Public

Women have always been criticized for wearing revealing or short clothes in public. A women will be quickly judged if she posted a picture of her in bikini by society and will labelled her as “Not Sanskaari” , it is okay for a man to wear shorts in public but if a women does so she is showing off her skin.

Drinking Alcohol

People will judge you in a minute if they see a woman drinking alcohol, especially hard drinks like whiskey . We are living in a modernized world but we still think that it is ok for a man to drink but not for women.

Choosing to be Single

Women get unnecessary pressure to get married once you turn 25 because according to society you have limited options after age 30.Like really ? A woman is only born to get married and have kids? They can do so much better than this and it’s completely her own choice to get married or stay single. Society will judge you if a girl chooses to stay unmarried and will treat you differently.

Be more Career Oriented

Women are still struggling to prove their “Individuality” .Women are struggling with a lot of problems in proving themselves at work , they are giving up everything for a career which is not appreciated by society at all. We are living in the 21st century and people still think that a girl’s motive in life should be to get married and have kids and take responsibility of the house.

Going Late at Night

A woman alone cannot go alone at night after 9 because there are people out there who will judge you and women cannot feel safe being alone at night. A man is free to roam freely the whole night and it is not a problem for our society .Why so much gender difference ? If we tell guys to behave nicely with women , our women are safe in our country.

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