Health Benefits of Eating Oranges

Orange is a citrus pulp fruit which is used worldwide .Pineapple is known as the king of seasonal citrus fruits and it has a number of amazing health benefits. Oranges contain nutritional value like minerals , fiber and vitamin C too in order to keep your body hydrated and energized. Have a look at the amazing health benefits of Oranges :


1.Oranges contain folic acid that improves brain development which is very good for the pregnant ladies as well. Folic acid generates new blood cells in the body , very good for those who have anemia.

2. Oranges are rich in antioxidants that boost the immune system which helps in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. It also boosts your immunity to fight off various allergies and infections.

3. Good consumption of oranges may help lower the risk of Cataracts. Vitamin C helps in the proper functioning of your retinal cells and also supports the health of the blood vessels in your eyes.

4. Oranges are very beneficial for a glowing skin. As Orange is citric and contains vitamin C, it gives your skin a collagen boost and has exfoliating properties.

5. Oranges are very good for the skin .It minimizes the skin pigmentation, reduces acne and refines the texture of your skin by keeping it soft and radiant.

6.Oranges are a very good source of fiber and keep you free from stomach ulcers. It helps in better functioning of your intestine and fiber present in oranges treats constipation as well.

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