8 Signs that Shows You are Addicted to Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is a personal interest that depends on every individual. There might be many reasons to drink alcohol like to socialize with friends, to relax after a hectic day and some people drink to escape from pain for the time being because it will make their mind and body dizzy. Every human being reacts differently to alcohol, though it is ok to drink occasionally but be careful before you turn out into an Alcoholic because it will affect your liver, brain, heart and immune system. Drinking alcohol in access will definitely affect your health. If you fall into these categories, it means you are addicted to alcohol – be attentive before it’s too late.

1. When you spend your weekends at bars that include drinks : If you spend most of the time in bars and have more than 6-7 drinks a night, you fall into the category of alcoholic.

2. When you find excuses to drink alcohol : When you find occasions or excuses to drink alcohol most of the time, it means alcohol is all in your mind all the time. It’s time to stop finding excuses.

3. When your drinking capacity is unbeatable : When your drinking capacity is more than 750 ml a night and you are doing absolutely fine even after tha. It means you capacity is strong and unbeatable and its time to set the limits.

4. Stomach and Liver problems : When you start heavy drinking, you are inviting health problems with it. You may feel stomach swelling, fatigue, loss of energy and serious liver problems. Get rid of it now.

5. Sleeping Disorders : Drinking alcohol will also affect your sleeping as well, drinking may help you to sleep faster but it is damaging your mind slowly and badly. Your body will become lethargic and you will not be able to feel fresh next morning.

6. When you are too much stressed and depressed : People drink more when they feel depressed and stressed to overcome them. But they are mistaken, people who drink more alcohol is making your life more stressful.

7. When you are friends with more alcoholics : When you have company of friends who drinks alcohol and feel comfortable with them only because any day you need a partner to go out to bars and have drinks.

8. When your family and friends are worried about you : When your family and friends are poking you for excessive drinking , it means they are worried about you and you have reached a stage where you need to be more serious now.

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