Great Tips on Hair Care

Long and good hair is a dream which every girl wish for. But now a days, our lives are too chaotic and busy that we do not get enough time to take care of our hair on a regular basis. Hair contributes a major role in a person’s personality. Thus, it needs good care and protection as many hair related problems arise like dull hair, dandruff, hair fall, by not giving proper attention to hair care.

Here are some useful tips on how you can maintain your hair at home to get beautiful hair:

1) Wash your hair 2-3 times a week atleast to keep your hair healthy. Dirt and dust get stucked in our hair so it is good to wash 2-3 times, and not on daily basis.

2) Start eating healthy. Try to include Iron and Protein in your diet like green vegetables, soya beans, milk, yogurt as they strengthen your hair. Proteins are also rich in amino acids. A well balanced diet and consumption of excess water helps in hair breakage.

3) Try to use more natural products like lemon, coconut oil. To get back the lost shine of your hair, rinse dry hair in lemon juice or apply apple cider vinegar with water.

4) Try to avoid the frequent use of blow dryers, curlers and straightening irons. The extreme heat damages the hair. So if you want to use it, do it with minimal heat and use serum.

5) Oil can do wonders for your hair as it has minerals and vitamins that don’t just strengthen your roots but also improve overall health of your hair. Coconut oil and olive oil are the most recommended ones. Massaging your hair with coconut and olive oils helps in protecting your hair from sun damage and dandruff.

6) Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair. Sharp tooth combs can damage your hair and scalp.

7) Use mild shampoos and conditioners which have keratin, rosemary and plant proteins. Always use the conditioner after washing your hair with the shampoo. Apply it right to the roots of your hair and rinse it off with cold water. Conditioning gives strength and shine to your hair.

8) Apply homemade masks for healthy and shiny hair. You don’t need to spend money on expensive market hair masks. You can easily prepare and apply the homemade masks. Few of them are: Egg, Curd and Mustard oil for dry hair; Olive oil and egg for hair growth; Olive oil, honey and cinnamon powder for hair fall.

9) Get your trimmed every 30-40 days, for proper growth and shed dead ends.

So if you want good and long healthy hair, try the above mentioned tips and these will surely lessen your worry on how to maintain good hair.

If you would like to share with us any other helpful tip regarding hair care, do mention under comments!!!!!!

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