7 Reasons you are Gaining Weight Too fast

Many people these days are overweight and are suffering from obesity. There are different reasons for this like hormonal imbalance, genetics, poor exercise habits, unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. But some people are gaining weight so fast :

Skipping Breakfast

This is the biggest and most common mistake you must be making in order to lose weight. Research shows that people who skip their breakfast tend to gain more weight as compared to others. Always eat breakfast a king size and never skip it. Always have breakfast within 1- 2 hours once you wake up as body needs more food and energy in the morning and eating heavy breakfast will boost your metabolism.

Eating a lot of Sugar

Eating a lot of sugar or artificial sugar only leads to Diabetes and heart diseases. There is a sugar in mostly food items and is usually hidden. Therefore, if you are aiming for weight loss, minimise the intake of sugar. Simply say “No to Sugar”.

You are Dehydrated

Drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily. Women busy in their home and professional life forget to drink enough water which can lead to constipation, dehydration and dry mouth which leads to instant weight gain . Drinking water can help you in removing the waste toxins from your body and help in maintaining your weight.

Eating a lot

Sometimes we don’t pay attention to our food portions and we are eating more than our appetite which results in instant weight gain.On an average , a woman needs to consume 1500 calories per day and men should consume 2000-2500 calories a day , but if you are consuming more than that everyday , you will gain a lot of weight in very less time.

Taking Too much of Stress

Stress makes us fat because research shows that when people are in stress they tend to have more cravings and eat more . Take out 10-15 minutes for mediation in the morning to reduce your stress level as it will help your mind to relax and let go of it what is not required in your life unnecessarily. Meditation holds the power to your peace of mind, learn patience and improve your inner self.

Having meal at wrong timings

It is very important to eat all the meals at the right time. In fact have short 5-6 meals daily, it increases your energy level and metabolism and help you in losing your weight. Don’t go for fried or heavy snacks. Around 8-9 have your breakfast , at 12 eat fruits , at 2 eat your lunch including more vegetables and pulses , in evening have tea , and in dinner eat less fat food around 8-9 pm.

No workout

We all know we have to exercise regularly but many of us are not doing it and that is the biggest mistake. In order to maintain or lose your weight, it’s important to do any kind of physical activity.To get rid of laziness you need to increase your stamina and that you can do by doing some kind of physical activity like exercising, jogging , walking , yoga or going to the gym.

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