6 Things only Lazy People will Understand

The basic problem with today’s generation is everything is coming their way easily,they don’t have to struggle much for anything . We all have smartphones , the option to do everything online that we all have inherited laziness in ourselves.

Another reason why some people are so lazy is because they have not realised what they want to do with their lives or they are so much in their comfort zone that they are happy with what they have. Here are 6 things that only lazy people will understand or relate to :

Waking up Early is a big Task

There is a saying that sleeping and waking up early is good for your health , but not for some people. Lazy people will find it really difficult to get up early in the morning and go to work. Getting up early is like a crime for them , they have like six different alarms, each set after five minutes.

They love Sleep more than anything else

Normally , everyone should sleep for 8 hours in a day but some people are so lazy AF that sleeping for 14-15 hours is normal for them, their favourite place in the whole house is their bed where they can relax and sleep . They even love sleep more than anything else and will never compromise their sleep for anyone.

Watching TV in Pajamas is the Best Feeling

Lazy people normally love lying on their bed all the time . Eating their favourite food and watching new series on NETFLIX in Pajamas is the best feeling for them. Lazy people hate being dressed up all the time so Pajamas are their best friend forever.

Always find an excuse to avoid social gatherings

Lazy people are normally not so extroverts , they always end up cancelling most of the plans and always find a good excuse to avoid any kind of social events like parties, family functions.

Hungry all the time

Yes , that’s true . Lazy AF people are hungry all the time and food is always on their mind as they are not doing any creative or physical work. They are hungry when they are happy , they are hungry when they are depressed and they are hungry when they have nothing to do to pass their time.

Exercise ? What’s THAT

Obviously , lazy people don’t have much energy or immunity to work hard or do any physical activity. Exercise for them is going to the bathroom from the bedroom, they hate doing exercise and fitness word is not in their dictionary.

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