5 Weak Passwords You Should Never Use Online

Online scamming is really common these days because some sites are safe to use but some are not trustworthy. The first thing to beware of is never share your card details or OTP (one time password) to anyone on the phone . Second is to have a strong secure password which is not easy to hack as weak passwords are guessable.

123456 /123456789

Series of numbers is the most common and hack able password that you should never use .

Your Name

Your name also is a very weak password and can be easily traceable.

Your Date of Birth

You use your date of birth in every government ID proof and it is easily detectable when you use it as a password online.


Qwerty is the name of the keyboard design used worldwide by so many people in laptops, computers and phones as well. Do not use this as a password as it is very common.


I know we all love someone but it is stupidity to use Iloveyou as a password as it is a very ordinary word used by every single person on earth.

Your online password for transactions or social media should be very strong . You must include one capital letter , numbers , special characters, symbols to make it a strong one.

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