Morning Habits Every Women Should Follow

Can’t get up early in the morning? I know how hectic mornings can be for every women and no one wants to compromise with their skin routine. The morning hours are the best time to ensure that you take care of your mind, body and skin before you start the day. Here are some habits that every woman should follow to take of their skin.

Early to bed ,early to rise

If you want to wake up early in the morning, the only way is to sleep early. One should have a minimum 7- 8 hours of sleep to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It not only reduces your stress level but also helps you to lose weight and makes you more alert throughout the day.

Lemon water

Drinking lukewarm lemon water on an empty stomach every morning will not only help you in losing weight but also gives you a glowing skin. Apart from lemon water, you can also try green tea, cumin seeds water or infused water for a healthy living.


The best way to reduce weight or to maintain your weight is to do any kind of exercise in which you are more comfortable with like yoga, walk, gymming , aerobics or any other kind of physical activity. Exercising in the morning is a great way to start your day off and create a positive routine.

Take a Shower

Take a good warm or cold shower will wake you up and make you fresh and get ready for the day. Showering after exercise would be good for your skin as it washes away all the sweat and dirt from your body.

Eat healthy Breakfast

Never skip your breakfast because Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it boost up your metabolism and will give you energy throughout the day. So even if you are running late for the office, you can have these quick breakfast meals. Your Breakfast should include carbs, proteins and fiber.

Use Sunscreen

Best way to protect your skin from tanning is to use a good sun screen lotion or a cream that contains SPF. You skin needs a product that can give you hydration. You may also avoid direct sunlight and use shades and a scarf to cover your face.

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