10 Habits of Women Who Stay Slim

In today’s life, it is very important to be fit and healthy by heart. Here are some habits of women who stay slim or healthy by just following these simple tricks:

Eat Meals on Time

Breakfast is the most important meal of our day. Never skip breakfast. You should eat a healthy and high fiber breakfast like cereals, oats, eggs. These are easily digestible and another metabolism booster. One should eat dinner before 7:30 pm to avoid gaining weight.

Count Calories

Always be aware of what you are eating and monitor the calories that you have taken on a daily basis. There are many ways- you can count the calories using an app or internet or pedometers. Keep a record of your eating habits.

Exercise Regularly

“Exercise is the best therapy”. Along with all the other factors, exercise plays the most important role. Minimum 45 minutes of brisk walking daily is conducive to weight loss. Apart from walking, do a lot of cardio exercises like running, jogging, cycling, to tone your body. Do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT exercises), it burns more fat than regular exercises.

Check Weight Frequently

It is important to check your weight on the weighing machine everyday first thing in the morning after washroom. Checking weight frequently will help you in maintaining your weight . You can also buy smart watch that helps you in tracking your steps , and calories burnt in a day .

Drink More Water

Drinking plenty of water helps in weight loss. It eliminates toxins from your body and boosts up your metabolism. And it is an added fact that drinking plenty of water is good for your skin too.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting proper sleep is important for weight loss. This is because less sleep leads to daily fluctuations in your appetite hormones, leading to poor appetite regulation. You should get a sleep of minimum 7-8 hours.

Limit Sugar Intake

Eating a lot of sugar or artificial sugar only leads to Diabetes and heart diseases. There is sugar in mostly food items and is usually hidden. Therefore, if you aiming for weight loss, minimize the intake of sugar. Simply say “No to Sugar”.

Chew Food more

According to research, chewing more plays an important role in the digestive system. One should chew food 32 times at one time to break out the food into our digestive enzymes better.

Eat Homemade Food

Avoid all junk and processed foods and start eating healthy food, that is, fruits and vegetables. We all know that fast food only deteriorates our health. So, make food at home and eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables are extremely healthy, weight loss friendly foods. They are rich in nutrients and fiber.

Limit Alcohol Intake

Limit or avoid your alcohol intake as it dehydrates your body and makes your body water retention which makes your body fat and swollen. You can take alcohol occasionally but if you are a habitual and want to reduce weight also then quit alcohol.

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