13 Typical Ridiculously Things That Every Woman Must Have Heard

When it comes to women, people are judgy and have opinions in their mind about gender roles without even knowing anything about the circumstances. I bet every women must have heard some common typical ridiculous things in their life at least once because “You are a Women” :

Get Married Before 30

Women get unnecessary pressure to get married before 30 because according to society you have limited options once you turn 30. Like really ? A woman is only born to get married and have kids, they can do so much better than this. Even after marriage the pressure increases to manage work and family together.


You are a Bad Driver, I am not Sitting in Car With You

Like really ? People have a really misconception that women can’t drive or are bad drivers .. Well there are some good lady drivers as well who drive better than men.

Don’t Sit Like That

As a woman , you are expected to sit properly in public and at home as well. You can’t sit with your legs positioned apart or cross legged when wearing a short dress. We have always been expected to sit and act like a lady .

You are Overreacting

Yes, women overreact sometimes because they actually care. We should be allowed to be emotional or aggressive because we have feelings too and we can’t always remain in the good books.


You Can’t Go Out Alone in Night

A woman alone cannot go alone at night after 9 because there are people out there who will judge you and our women cannot feel safe being alone at night.

You Drink Whiskey?

People will judge you in a minute if they see a woman drinking alcohol, especially hard drinks like whiskey. We are living in a modernized world but we still think that it is ok for a man to drink but not for women.


Are you a Feminist Type ?

Being a feminist type is not bad at all because believing in equality is everybody’s right. Say one thing about equality and everyone will ask you the same question ; Are you a Feminist Type ? Huh


Divorce is Not the Solution

According to our society, it is ok to live in an abusive marriage But not Okay to get out of the toxic and abusive marriage because all women have to adjust and divorce is not the solution. Sometimes it is better to divorce Mr. Wrong than living in a bad marriage that is ruining your life.

Don’t Let Your Brother or Husband to do the Household Work

Some women are still being discriminated against by their own brothers , just because they are men they cannot do any household work . Society expects from women only to manage all household work on their own because this is what is being taught to them since childhood.

Why Do You Nag So Much ?

I think it’s impossible even for anyone to nag so much. According to many, all women are nagging, irritating, whine all the time and lack a sense of humor, well that’s not true completely. Even some guys lack a sense of humor and can be dull and boring sometimes.

Have a Baby Immediately After Marriage

After 30 , women’s biological clocks start ticking and it is advisable to have a baby after you turn 30.Motherhood or having a baby is a wonderful experience but still it’s her body and she should have the right to decide when she wants to have a baby or not.

All a women can do is Gossip

Women are only good at gossiping , well who doesn’t like that? In fact , research shows that men spend more time gossiping than women.

Why do you have a lot of Male Friends ?

If a woman has more male friends and is friendly with you, it means she is easy going. Just because she is nice and friendly with you , that doesn’t mean she is easy going or into you, it means it’s her Choice with whom she wants to be friends with and it has nothing to do with gender.

Source Credit : Girls.buzz

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