How to Deal With Stress and Anxiety During Coronavirus Outbreak

COVID-19 is affecting the world with its second wave and people are staying more at home to protect themselves from contracting the virus. This is the time where people are getting stressed, feeling negative, experiencing sadness. But my friends, this is the time to fight against all odds and sadness. There are many ways to stay positive in your life, even when you are experiencing challenges, here are some tips which will help you in dealing with the current covid situation.

Talk about it

COVID has led to increased levels of anxiety , stress and loneliness even if you weren’t affected directly. There is nothing to be ashamed about if you are feeling low. Talking about these feelings helps to unburden you. Talk about it to your close friends , family and relatives, they will motivate you to make you feel better.

Maintain healthy lifestyle

Depression and Anxiety can make you overweight sometimes because you tend to eat and sleep more. Instead of lazing around, do exercise at home or go for a walk while listening to music which will help you in gaining your confidence level. If you are fit , your brain will automatically be more active and stress free.

Spend Time with Family

Those who are with their families right now should feel lucky and thankful that they have a good chance to spend time with the most important people in their lives as Home is where your Family is. It is the best time to spend quality time with them , treat them well, help them with anything you can and try to make them feel positive too.

Unplug Yourself from Social Media for a while

Spending so much time on social media can lead to increased anxiety and stress levels. Take a break for sometime on social media or use it only to connect with your closed ones or help someone who is in need during this pandemic.

Book for Your Vaccination

Government has made available the vaccination for 18+ people from May 1st onwards. If you have not taken the first dose of vaccination yet , book it on so that you can immune yourself and your family from this hazardous virus.

Do what you love

Nothing can make you feel better if you start doing what you love. Do what makes you a better person, what you love , what you enjoy no matter what it is. Listen to your heart, it will take out all the negativity from your mind.

Say ‘NO’ to negativity

Wherever you are, get out of that place. Take a break from too much of news about COVID or stop talking about the same thing again . Expose yourself only to that much news which you can tolerate at this time. If we think too much about negative things , our mind will attract more negativity, stop thinking too much and don’t react to it.


Mediation will help your mind to relax and let go of it what is not required in your life unnecessarily. Meditation holds the power to your peace of mind, learn patience and improve your inner self .

Laugh More

Laughing is the best therapy and its healthy too. Watch your favorite movies , comedy shows on TV, watch anything stupid on YOUTUBE and laugh as much as you can. Even if you cannot find a reason , just do it , it’s worth it.

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