7 Health Benefits of Eating Mangoes

Mango is the most commonly used fruit across the world especially in India during Summer season. Mango is not only tasty but it has many health benefits too. A mango is loaded with fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, minerals, Iron, Folic Acid, Magnesium , Potassium and other essential nutrients. There are different varieties of mango available only during summers. This fruit is high in sugar so it is not recommended for the diabetic or heart patients. For others also, it is advisable to eat mango in limited portions. Here are some health benefits of Mango :

1. Mangoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, so it helps to maintain a healthy heart and prevent you from having a heart stroke.

2. It is a great immunity booster which helps you in preventing various diseases and infections.

3. It helps in improving your digestive problems too like constipation as it contains plenty of water and digestive fiber which promotes a healthy digestive system.

4. Mango improves Eye or vision health. It guards our eyes against eye infections and also makes eye muscles stronger.

5. Mango is good for your skin, as it helps in eliminating acne and gives you a clearer skin.

6. Mango has a high level of Vitamin C and fiber which helps in lowering the cholesterol level.

7. Mango contains inflammatory properties and antioxidants which helps in preventing you from many types of cancer diseases.

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