4 Things Women Expect from Men On the First Date

We all feel excited and a little nervous as well on our first dates and will always wonder whether it will lead to the second one or not. There are many things women expect from men on first dates but will never say or accept it upfront.

Genuine Compliments

It’s not surprising that every girl loves compliments. Compliment her outfit , her hairstyle or anything you like about her, a simple genuine compliment can go a long way and can lead to more dates.


A girl always wants his guy to be a real gentleman and treat her like a lady. Show your chivalry when meeting a girl for the first time like opening a car door for her or pulling a chair or don’t let her pay for the bill. I know it’s cliché but it works every time.

Real Conversations

Women love guys who are good listeners and understand their emotions deeply. Don’t be too rude or impolite on your first date ever. Don’t talk about your past relationships as it gives your date the impression that you are constantly comparing her to your Ex. Have real conversations so that she can feel you are actually interested in her.

Tell her you had a Great time

When you are leaving from your date, tell her that you had fun and a great time with her and you really enjoyed spending time with her. If you want to meet her again for a second time , then drop hints about that so that she can also think about it.

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